There are many effects of verbal bullying. Most if the time the victims will feel lonely and might prefer to be left alone. He could also miss school because of it . For example, my friend used to be called names at his school by some secondary 5. My friends reported it to me that he would often not come to school. So we decided to tell the teachers, I don't know what they did but they bullying stopped the next day. Another effect of verbal bullying is that the person will have a low self-esteem and might think of himself like he was a monster. This happened to me when I asked a girl out and her friends decided to call me names which made it worst since i got rejected. It made me eat less than I used to and made me scared of talking to girls. But the worst part of bullying is that the bully sometimes thinks it's a joke and doesn't know that what he's doing is wrong. So if you see the person that you sometimes make fun of seems lonely, depressed and that he misses school a lot. Just go to him and say him sorry because the consequences will be worst in the future.
Written by Louis Hervieux
Proofreading needed here too, but still... useful content!